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Duvidas Frequentes
22/05/2012 - Noticia de DX - Por Claudio Gimenez - PY2KP

Notícia expirada, seu conteúdo possui somente valor histórico


4L, Georgia
     Andi, UU0JM, will take part in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest (26./27. May)
     from Georgia, using the callsign 4L0A in the SOAB category. QSL via

5X, Uganda
     Rene, PE1L, and Eltje, PA3CEE2, will activate the callsign 5X1EME
     on 2 m and 70 cm via EME from near Kampala (KJ60gh), between May
     25th and June 3rd. More infos in the MoonNet and at MMMonVHF.
     QSL via PA3CEE.

6O, Somalia
     Darko, J28AA/E70A, will be QRV as 6O3A from Hargesia again, between
     May 25th and 31st. Activities will be on HF in SSB and RTTY, as well
     as on 50 MHz. QSL via E77E or K2PF.

6W, Senegal
     Vlad, RK4FF, will take part as 6V7S in the SOAB category of the CQ WW
     WPX CW Contest. QSL via Homecall.

6Y, Jamaica
     Sergey, UT5UDX, starting May 30th, will be active as 6Y/UT5UDX. For
     the CQWW WPX CW Contest, he will use the callsign 6Y3W. QSL via RA4LW.

A5, Bhutan
     Zorro, JH1AJT (A5A, A51A), Ted, JJ1LIB (A52F), Aki, JA4EKO (A52GO),
     Kazu, JH1OGX (A52KF) and Jon, KL2A (A52X), of the "Foundation for
     Global Children" DX group will be QRV as A5A between May 24th and
     June 6th. Planned activities are from 80 m - 6 m  in SSB, CW, and
     RTTY with 3 stations in parallel. They're hoping to provide many
     DXers with this rare DXCC. QSL A5A via JH1AJT.

D2, Angola
     Mike, UA1QV, is active on 20 m SSB as D3AA from near Lunda-Sul,
     and plans to activate all bands including 160 m eventually.
     There's currently no information about the intended duration of
     his activities. QSL via Homecall.

EI, Ireland
     The "South Eastern Amateur Radio Group" will be QRV during the "Geo
     Parks Communication Weekend" (26th/27th of May) from the
     "Tankardstown on the Copper Coast Geopark" using EI2GEO on the HF
     bands. QSL via EI7IS.

G, England
     Amateur radio stations from all over the world will exchange greetings
     with GB6GEO on the "Geo Parks Communication Weekend". The station is
     located at the "English Riviera Global Geopark" in Torquay and will
     be active on 3.680 MHz, 7.080 MHz, 14.180 MHz, 21.180 MHz, and
     28.180 MHz. QSL via bureau oder direct to G3VOF.

HB0, Liechtenstein
     Johannes, DF5AU, will be active between May 21st and 27th from near
     Triesenberg at 1250 m ASL as HB0/DF5AU. He will be active on the
     HF bands in CW and SSB, with a focus on the highbands, where he uses
     a 5-band Spiderbeam and a K3/Acom1000. QSL via Homecall, LoTW.

I, Italy
     Ivo, E73A/9A3A will take part in the CQWW WPX CW Contest as 4U1GSC
     from the "United Nations Global Service Center" in Brindisi, in the
     SOAB HP category. QSL via 9A2AA.

JT, Mongolia
     Mike, UA4NW, was heard as JT5NM on 20 m and 15 m in CW.
     There's currently no information about the intended duration of
     his activities. QSL via Homecall, direct only.

KH2, Guam
     David, N2NL, will activate the callsign NH2T from Guam (OC-026,
     USi GU003S, WFF KFF-110, WLOTA 0064) in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest
     in the SOABHP category. QSL via W2YC, direct only, LoTW.

KH8, American Samoa
     Yuri, N3QQ and Dick, N7RO are planning to be on the air from
     Pago Pago on Tutuila (OC-045, USi AS007S, WLOTA 4385) for a week in
     late May / early June. Activity will be limited to their free time,
     using the call sign KH8/KL7RRC on 10 - 40 m.
     During their stay they will explore the feasibility of an activation
     of Rose Atoll (OC-190, USi AS004S), which could take place in
     December / January. They're still looking for operators interested
     in taking part in the Rose Atoll DXpedition; please contact N3QQ.
     QSL via N7RO.

KP2, US Virgin Islands
     Phil, KT3Y, Fred, K9VV, and Tine, S50A, will take part in the CQWW
     WPX CW Contest as KP2M from the Radio Reef Contest Station on St.
     Croix (NA-106, USi VI002S, WLOTA 2477, St. Croix County), most likely
     in the Multi-Single category. QSL via LoTW. http://www.radioreef.com

     Yuriy, N2TTA, will take part in the same contest with the callsign
     KP2MM, two more dashes, as SOAB-LP. QSL via LoTW.

LX, Luxemburg
     A team will activate LX7I in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest in the M/S
     category. QSL via LX2A. http://www.lx2a.com/

P4, Aruba
     Andrew, AE6Y, will be P49Y in the CQWW WPX CW Contest, from Pos
     Chiquito on Aruba (SA-036, WLOTA 0033, WW Loc. FK52al). Operation
     will be in the SOAB HP category. QSL via AE6Y, LoTW.

PZ, Surinam
     Serge, RX3APM, will be PZ5P once again, between May 24th and 29th,
     including a participation in the CQWW WPX CW contest. QSL via UA4LU, LoTW.

SP, Poland
     The special station HF2012FLO will be on the air to celebrate the
     "Air Festival" in Ostrow until May 28th. QSL via SP3POW.

ST, Sudan
     Robert, S53R, will be QRV from Sudan as ST2AR in the CQWW WPX CW
     Contest. QSL via Homecall, LoTW.

SV9, Crete
     Alex, SQ9UM, is currently active as SV9/SQ9UM from Crete. His
     activity is focused on CW and RTTY. He'll take part in the CQWW
     WPX CW Contest in the SOABLP category and operate until May 28th.
     QSL via Homecall.

TA, Turkey
     Dmitry, R3GM, will be TC7C in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest, SOAB.
     QSL via RA1QQ.

V2,  Antigua
     Darrell, AB2E, will sign V26E from Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA 1118,
     WW Loc. FK97bc) starting May 23rd. He plans to take part in the
     CQWW WPX CW Contest in the SOABLP category, where he placed 2nd
     world wide and #1 North America last year. Before and after the
     contest he will be looking for QSOs on the WARC and lowbands.
     For the first time, activities in RTTY are planned. He's QRV until
     May 30th. QSL via Homecall, direct only, LoTW.

V3, Belize
     Colin, KU5B, will be QRV as V31UB once again between May 23rd and
     29th from Belize. Activities are planned on all bands from 160 to
     6 m in CW, SSB and RTTY, including an all-band effort in the CQWW
     WPX CW Contest. QSL via Homecall, direct only, LoTW.

V6, Micronesia
     Sho, JA7HMZ and Akio, JA7ZP will work as V63DX and V63ZP respectively
     from Pohnpei island (OC-010, WW Loc. QJ96) from May 25th to 29th.
     They will be QRV from 40 m to 6 m in all modes and take part in the
     CQWW WPX CW Contest as V6A.  QSLs V63DX and V6A via JA7HMZ,
     V63ZP via JA7ZP, both direct only.

VK9L, Lord Howe Island
     Pat, VK2PN, and Miro, OK1NG, will, between May 23rd and 30th, activate
     Lord Howe Island (OC-004) as VK9PN. Chris, VK3FY will join the team
     for the CQWW WPX CW Contest. Chris is visiting the island for work
     reasons between May 27th and June 2nd, therefore he can only spend
     time on the air in the evenings. After the contest he plans to be
     active as VK9LHI on the HF bands in CW, SSB and a little RTTY.
     QSL via VK3HF.  http://www.southpacificcontestclub.com/

VP5, Turks and Caicos
     JH1BXH and JA1EAX will continue their activity until May 24th with
     VP5/ prefixes, from 80 - 6 m in CW and SSB. QSLs via JH1BXH.

     The "San Francisco Amateur Radio Club" (W6PW) will, in cooperation
     with the "California Historical Society" celebrate the 75th
     anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge from May 26th to 27th.
     The special callsign W6G will be activated in SSB and CW on 28375,
     24975, 21275, 18125, 14275, 7175 and 3750 kHz. An award will
     be issued for 5-band-QSOs. QSL and award via KM6DA.

VU, India
     Until July 8th, Taj, VU2DJ, Sabu, VU2ELJ, Sree, VU2OB, Prabin,
     VU2POL, Peeter, VU2PJP, Murali, VU2FWW, Thomas, VU2VJT, Sunil,
     VU2ATB, Ashraf, VU3MTY, Mujeeb, VU3WII and Sanal, VU3SIO, will
     activate the special call sign 8T1M from 160 - 2 Meter in CW, SSB,
     PSK, RTTY, FM and D-STAR. QSL via VU2MLQ.

XE, Mexico
     XF3LH is the callsign of PT2OP, XF3PAS and XE3N. They are active
     until May 24th Cozumel island (NA-090) from 80 - 10 m.
     QSL via PT2OP.

YA, Afghanistan
     Eric, T6MO, will take part in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest in the
     SOAB-LP category. He's active on 40, 20, 15 and 10 m only with
     an OCF dipole at 12 m AGL and 100W. QSL via K9GY. (B)

YB, Indonesia
     YC0VKI, YB1CCF, YD1JZ, YB1KAR, YC1KAF and YD1GCL, will use the call
     YE0X for the CQ WW WPX CW Contest in the M/2 category. QSL via YB0ZZ.

     A DXpedition to Heard Island was announced for early 2014.
     Stay tuned: http://www.heardisland.org/ http://www.cordell.org/

Upcoming Contests
26.5.      Rheinland-Pfalz-Aktivitaetsabend
26./27.5.  CQ WW WPX Contest
26./27.5.  Bayerischer Bergtag

Krasimir, LZ1GL, informs about the LZ Open and the LZ Open SES
(Simulated Emergency Situation) contests:

IOTA:  Compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG (e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de)
Island activities:

AF-004; EA8; Canary Islands: EE8X is the callsign of Luis/EA8AY in the
     CQWW WPX CW (SOAB). His QTH is Santa Cruz, Teneriffa (DIE
     S-012, WLOTA 1276, EAA TF). QSL direct via W2GR.
     More information: http://www.ea8ay.com/ef8x/

EU-001; SV5; Dodecanese: From May 23 to 28, Jeff/N6GQ is QRV from
     Rhode (GIOTA DKS-006, MIA MGD-028, WLOTA 0045) as SV5/N6GQ.
     He'll take part in the CQWW WPX CW as SOAB-QRP.
     QSL only direct via N6GQ.

EU-001; SV5; Dodecanese: From Kos island (GIOTA DKS-043, MIA
     MGD-016, WLOTA 1730; LOC KM36OV), Bob/OK2BOB, Vilda/OK2BC
     and Jindra/OK1AMM will sign SV5/homecall between May 22nd
     and June 1st. They are QRV from on all bands including 6 m
     mostly in CW with a little SSB. QSL via Homecall (d/B)

EU-013; GJ/MJ; Jersey: CQWW WPX CW will also see Kazu/JK3GAD active as
     MJ0CFW. He's QRV from the S/W coast of the island (WLOTA
     0818, WW Loc. IN89ve) in der SOAB-LP category. QSL via LoTW
     or direct via M0CFW.

EU-023; 9H; Malta group: Zoli/HA5PP will be QRV in the CQWW WPX CW from
     Qawra (MIA MM-001, WLOTA 1113, LOC JM75fw) as 9H3PP either on 10 m
     or on 15 m in the SOSB category. After the contest he's planning
     activities on 6 m and 12 m. QSL via HA5PP (d/B)

EU-049; SV; North Aegean Islands &
EU-052; SV; Ipeiros / Dytiki Elass Region group: After the CQWW WPX CW,
     Jeff/N6GQ will visit some islands of EU-049 and EU-052, between
     May 28th and June 17th. In "holiday style", he will be on the air
     as SV8/N6GQ on the HF bands. QSL only direct via N6GQ.

EU-084; SM5/SM0; Uppsala / Stockholm County group: The first activation
     of Rindo island will take place on May 26th by 8S0DAY. They will
     be on the air from a former military fortress which was built between
     1853 and 1863. QSL via SM0MPV (d/B). More at: http://www.sk0mt.net

EU-095; F; Provence-Cote D'Azur (Bouches-du-Rhone) Region group: Members
     of the Castres DX Gang will be QRV as TM5FI from Ratonneau island
     (DIFM ME003, MIA MF-024) from May 23rd till 30th. QSL via F5XX (d/B)

EU-125; OZ; Jylland West group: The team of OZ1RDP will visit the
     scout camp in  Kongsmark/Roemoe (DIA NS-001; OZFF-004) from May 25th
     through 29th. They will work on 80 - 20 m in SSB, possibly some 160 m.
     QSL via DL9BCP (d/B)

EU-145; CT; Algarve Province group: CT1EPV, CT1GFK, CT1GPQ, CT1IUA and
     CT3FN take part in the CQWW WPX CW as CS2W from Culatra (WLOTA 0144).
     QSL via HB9CRV, LoTW.

EU-174; SV; Makedonia / Thraki Region group:  Samothraki island
     (GIOTA NAS-032, MIA MG-100, WLOTA 4166) will be activated by
     Boyko/LZ1QN, using his contest call SW8A, in the CQWW WPX CW.
     QSL via LZ1QN (d/B)

EU-174; SV; Makedonia / Thraki Region group:  From May 24th to June 3rd,
     Laci/HA0HW is QRV from Thassos island (GIOTA NAS-037, MIA MG-124,
     WLOTA LH-4186, LOC KN20hs) as SV8/HA0HW. His favorite mode is CW, but
     he'll also work some QSOs in SSB, RTTY and PSK31.
     With a FT840/IC-706, a 300W PA and GPs / Dipoles he'll be QRV on
     40/30/20/17/6m. In the CQWW WPX CW he will sign as J48HW in the
     SOABHP category. QSL via HA0HW (d/B)

NA-018; OX; Greenland: Henning/OZ1BII will activate XP2I in the CQWW WPX
     CW at the QTH of Jesper/OX3KQ in Kangerlussuag/Groenland (WFF OZFF-006,
     WLOTA 0072, LOC GP47pa), using low power on all bands.
     QSL via OZ1BII (d/B) http://www.oz1bii.dk/qsl-info.htm

NA-090; XE3; Quintana Roo State Centre group: From May 22nd to 24th,
     PT2OP, XF3PAS and XE3N will activate the Cozumel island group (Island
     of Swallows; WLOTA 1905) as XF3LH. QSL via PT2OP (d/B)

US-Island - FL479S: On May 26th/27th the Jupiter Tequesta Repeater
     Group plans to be active from Peanut island (FL479S) as W4JUP.
     Primary frequencies: Phone (+/-) 3.830, 7.180, 14.240, 18.130,
     21.280, 28.400. PSK31 - 3.582.70, 7.037.70, 10.142.70, 14.072.70,
     18.102.70, 21.072.70, 28.122.70. QSL via W4JUP (d/B)

Lighthouse activities
6Y3W          LH 0214     26.05. - 27.05.
KP2M          LH 2477     26.05. - 27.05.
KP2MM         LH 2477     26.05. - 27.05.
KP2/K9VV      LH 2477     23.05. - 29.05.
KP2/KT3Y      LH 2477     23.05. - 29.05.
KP2/S50A      LH 2477     23.05. - 29.05.
NH2T          LH 0064     26.05. - 27.05.
P40H          LH 0033     26.05. - 27.05.
P49Y          LH 0033     26.05. - 27.05.
V26E          LH 1118     23.05. - 30.05.
YE0X          LH 1660     26.05. - 27.05.

QSL information
3A/F4BKV       via F4BKV          (B), (L)
4U1GSC         via 9A2AA          (B)
4X/PA7DA       via PA7DA          (B)
5B/RN3QO       via RN3QO          (B)
5B4PRC/p       via 5B4AHO         (B)
5R8UI          via IZ8CCW         (d)
6V7S           via RK4FF
9A/E77AW/p     via E77E           (B)
5X1EME         via PA3CEE
6O3A           via E77E           (B), K2PF (d)
6V7S           via RK4FF
6Y/UT5UDX      via RA4LW          (d)
6Y3W           via RA4LW          (d)
8T1M           via VU2MLQ
9H3PP          via HA5PP          (B)
9M8DX/2        via SP5UAF         (B)
A52SV          via JA2PSV         (L)
A5A            via JH1AJT         (B)
A62A           via IZ8CLM         (B)
A60ITU         via NI5DX          (L), eQSL
AM7ITU         via EA7NL
AX5PAS         via VK5PAS         (B), (L), eQSL
CN8QN          via EA7FTR
CO6HLP         via EA7FTR
CS2W           via HB9CRV         (B), (L)
CT9/DG0JT      via DG0JT          (B)
CX5TR          via EA5KB          (B)
D3AA           via UA1QV          (B)
E40VB          via UA4WHX         (B), (L)
ED7YAD         via EA7URM         (B)
EE8X           via W2GR           (d)
EG5TSL         via EA5HRE         EURAO-Bureau, eQSL
EG8LZT         via EA8TH          (B)
EH5ITU         via EA5FL          (B)
EH8ITU         via EA8ADL         (B), eQSL
EM100MXA       via UT3MC
EM44U          via UT7UT          (B)
EX8VM          via RW6HS          (d)
EI2GEO         via EI7IS          (B)
F/DJ2VO        via DJ2VO          (B)
F/DL3KBQ       via DL3KBQ         (B)
GB5LCT         via M0XIG          (B), (L)
GQ7AXB         via GI7AXB         (L), eQSL
GQ7VJR         via M0OXO          (B, & OQRS), (L)
HF20PSP        via SP7PKI
HV50VR         via I0JBL          (d)
ID9Z           via IT9TFX         (B)
IR0LG          via IZ0NNI         (B)
IS0/DK7ZB      via DK7ZB          (B)
IS0/G3RTE      via G3RTE          (d)
J79KT          via JN1NDY         (B)
J79YL          via JN1NDY         (B)
JT7WFF         via RZ0SB
GB5LCT         via M0XIG
GB6GEO         via (B)            , G3VOF (d)
HB0/DF5AU      via DF5AU,         (L)
HF2012FLO      via SP3POW
HF20PSP        via SP7PKI         (B), (L)
J48HW          via HA0HW          (B)
JT5NM          via UA4NW          (d)
JT7WFF         via RZ0SB          (B)
K7M            via AI4U           (B)
KH8/KL7RRC     via N7RO           (B)
LX7I           via LX2A           (B)
KH0/RA9FEX     via RA9FEX
LA/DL2RNS      via DL2RNS         (B)
LA/DL2VFR      via DL2VFR         (B)
LA/DL5DSM      via DL5DSM         (B)
LA/DL9UBF      via DL9UBF         (B), (L), eQSL
M/YO9AYN       via YO9AYN
MJ0CFW         via M0CFW          (d), (L)
MQ0EPC         via MM0DFV         (B)
MU/PA0VHA      via PA0VHA         (B)
MU/PA2A        via PA2A
NH2T           via W2YC           (d), (L)
OM100IG        via OM3BY          (B)
OY6FRA         via OY1JD          (L), (d), eQSL
OZ1RDP         via DL9BCP         (B)
P29ZL          via W1YRC
P40X           via JA3AVO         (B), (L)
P49Y           via AE6Y           (B), (L)
PH9HB/AM       via PH9HB          (d)
PJ5/G4MFW      via ZS1FJ          (B)
PZ5P           via UA4LU          ( B), (L)
SD7V/6         via DL2VFR         (B)
SM6/DM5LS      via DM5LS          (B)
SN10PK         via SP9KAJ         (B)
SN2012UEFA     via SP4ICP         (B)
SO7B           via SQ7PGO         (B), (L), eQSL
ST2AR          via S53R           (d), (L)
SV5/OK1AMM     via OK1AMM         (B)
SV5/OK2BC      via OK2BC          (B)
SV5/OK2BOB     via OK2BOB         (B)
SV8/HA0HW      via HA0HW          (B)
SV8/N6GQ       via N6GQ           (d), (L)
SV9/SQ9UM      via SQ9UM          (B)
SW8A           via LZ1QN          (B)
ST2NH          via EA7FTR
SX1912K        via SZ2RCP         (B)
T6MO           via K9GY           (B), (L)
T88TF          via JA1VND
TC1ILH         via TA1HZ          (B)
TC6KLH         via TA1HZ          (B)
TC7C           via RA1QQ          (B)
TK/IZ4BBF      via IZ4BBF         (B), (L), eQSL
TK/PA3ALK      via PA3ALK
TM12O          via EA2TT          (B)
TM2PY          via F5MDF          (B)
TM5FI          via F5XX           (B)
TM80SM         via F5INJ          (B), (L)
TO6T           via F6HMQ          (B)
UA9FAR         via EA7FTR
UP0L           via DL8KAC         (d)
V26E           via AB2E           (d), (L)
V31UB          via KU5B           (d), (L)
V63DX          via JA7HMZ         (d)
V63ZP          via JA7ZP          (d)
V6A            via JA7HMZ         (d)
VK9LHI         via VK3HF
VK9PN          via VK2PN
VP5/JA1EAX     via JH1BXH
VP5/JH1BXH     via JH1BXH
W6G            via KM6DA
XF3LH          via PT2OP          (B)
XP2I           via OZ1BII         (B)
XX9E           via EB7DX          (d)
YV7BMZ         via EA7FTR
YE0X           via YB0ZZ          (B)
YP0WFF         via YO2KQT         (d)
(d) = only direct
(B) = bureau ok
(*) = new QSL manager
(L) = LoTW

Notícia expirada, seu conteúdo possui somente valor histórico

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