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10/01/2013 - ** DX ** | DARC DX Bulletin 1814 - 10/01/2013 - Por PY2KP | ** DX **

Notícia expirada, seu conteúdo possui somente valor histórico





9X, Rwanda:
     Carl, SM6CPY, plans to be active as 9X0PY from January 15 - 31.
     He'll mainly be active in CW with 100W in holiday style.
     QSL via SM6CPY.

DL, Germany:
     DB100AWPB is a special callsign issued for the 100th anniversary
     of the "Ausbesserungswerk Paderborn" of the German Railway. 
     QSL via DO6NIK (OQRS), LoTW, eQSL.http://www.qrz.com/db/DO6NIK

DU, Philippines:
     Bob, WT3A, is typically QRV between 0945 and 1300UT as DU7TET from
     near Dumaguete on 160m. He plans to improve his antennas soon.
     QSL via Homecall, leider nur direkt.

I, Italy:
     The "Extreme DX & Contest Group" celebrates Carnival in Venice
     with the special event call II3CV from January 12 - February 12.
     A special award is available. QSL via IK3HHX.

JT, Mongolia:  
     Chak, JT1CO, was active on 30m around 2100 UT lately.
     QSL direct only.

KP4, Puerto Rico:
     On the occasion of the "ARRL Puerto Rico State Convention" (Jan
     26/27) the "Caribbean Amateur Radio Group" (CARG) will be on 
     the air with the special station N4D (NA-099, WLOTA 2802)
     from January 11 to 25. QSL via WP4CRG. During the convention
     itself, they are using the ARRL callsign W1AW/KP4.

OE, Austria:
     Dieter, OE8KDK, contest manager of OEVSV-DV announces that special
     callsigns will be on the air during the Ski world cup in Schladming
     (January 15 - February 18). Individual stations can apply for a
     special prefix (e.g. OE2013KDK), club stations will also be QRV
     with callsigns OE2013A .. OE2013Z. 

P2, Papua New Guinea:
     Nao, JA2VQP, will teach math at the "Divine Word University" in 
     Wewak on the north coast of PNG (OC-034, WLOTA 0084) for the 
     coming two years. He's looking forward to enjoy the pileups as
     P29NO in the coming months. 

SP, Poland:
     Janusz, SP9YI, will use the special event callsign HF0A (WAP-237)
     from January 15 to February28 to celebrate the 10th "Arctic
     Activity Week" erreichbar. He previously held WAP-215 for HF36POL
     and WAP 216 for HF35APAS. QSL via Homecall.

SV/A, Mount Athos: Apollo, SV2ASP/A showed up around 0600z - 0700z on
     40m in SSB and around 1400z on 17m in SSB.
     QSL direct only.

UA, European Russia:
     The shooting club "Sniper" in Vologda celebrates its 60th
     jubilee with the special event station R60SKV, which will
     be QRV until October. QSL via RA1QD.

     In 1613 Mikhail I Fyodorovich became the first Russian Tsar
     of the house of Romanov.His reign marked the end of the Time of
     Troubles. Throughout the year 2013 the special callsign
     R400DR will be on the air to remember Michael I. QSL via RN3DG. 

XV, Vietnam: Larry is now QRV as XW1A from 160 - 2m in CW and SSB,
     and possibly some RTTY. QSL via E21EIC.

YS, El Salvador:
     Roberto, I2JIN will be on the bands as YS3CW, January 11 - 31 from
     Corinth. He will mainly work CW on 10m - 80m. 
     QSL via I2JIN, LoTW.

Arctic/Antarctica stories wanted:
     For his monthly column "Arctic and Antarctic DX" of the
     "Canadian International DX Club", John, KL7JR, is looking
     for reports, stories and QSL cards about ham radio contacts
     with stations in arctic regions. A sample of this column
     can be requested by mail from KL7JR@yahoo.com.

International DX Convention (IDXC) 2013:
     The 64th "International DX Convention" (IDXC) will take place from
     April 19 - 21 in ths "Visalia Convention Center" in Visalia, CA.
     http://www.dxconvention.org   http://www.dxconvention.com

Committee for the Respect of the IARU QRP frequencies     
     The Committee for the Respect of the QRP frequencies
     (Comitato per il Rispetto delle Frequenze Riservate, RFQI)'s
     website can be found at: http://qrprespect.jimdo.com/ 

New QSL Manager:
     Ken, N2ZN, is now the QSL manager for the more than 30 DXpeditions
     of Dave, WJ2O: http://wj2o.com/ 

Award "Deutsche Rosenschau 2013"
     The Deutsche Amateur Radio Club e.V., local group Forst/Lausitz,
     DOK Y27, offers the short term award "Deutsche Rosenschau 2013"
     ("German Rose exhibition") for ham radio contacts within the
     year 2013 on the occasion of the 100th jubilee of the Rose Garden
     Forst ("Ostdeutscher Rosengarten Forst"). The exhibition takes 
     place for June 14 to September 29 in Forst (Lausitz).

DE0BAH's QSL album:
     Karl-Heinz, DE0BAH, has put together a collection of QSL cards
     on his website: http://www.de0bah.de/

Upcoming Contests
12.01.    Old New Year Contest
12.01.    Activity Day DARC district Nordrhein
12./13.   North American QSO Party
13.01.    DARC 10-m-Contest
13.01.    VERON Midwinter QSO-Party
13.01.    ON 10 Meter Contest 2013

12./13.1. CQ Bande Basse Italia http://www.mdxc.org/cqbbi/regolamento-2013/
12./13.1. UK DX BPSK63 Contest: http://www.ukdx.srars.org/

IOTA      Compiled by Klaus, DL7UXG (E-Mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de) 

Island activities

AS-128; 3W; Gulf of Thailand group: From January12 to 16, Sei/JA7LU
     and Hiroo/JA2VWG are QRV from Phu Quoc Island (WFF 3WFF-020, WLOTA
     2523) as XV4LU and XV4DDD respectively, on 40m - 10m in SSB and
     RTTY. QSL only direct via home call.

IOTA tour: On January 10, Vincent/F4BKV and Col/MM0NDX are starting their
     IOTA tour through Denmark, Germany and Poland. The following nine
     islands will be activated until January 13: 

EU-029; OZ; Sjaelland Archipelago: As OZ/F4BKV and OZ/MM0NDX
     they will activate Sjaelland (DIA SJ-001, WLOTA 3302), Elleore (DIA
     SJ-032), Gavno (DIA SJ-027), Masnedo (DIA SJ-033), Falster (DIA
     SJ-016, WLOTA 1961), Lolland (DIA SJ-015, WLOTA 2773), Sprogo (DIA
     SJ-009) and Amager (DIA SJ-002).

EU-128; DL; Schleswig-Holstein State East group: As DL/F4BKV and 
     DL/MM0NDX they will be QRV from Fehmarn (GIA O-001, WLOTA 0637). 

EU-057; DL; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State group: As DL/F4BKV and
     DL/MM0NDX they are on the air from Ruden (GIA O-001).

EU-129; DL; Usedom Island: As DL/F4BKV and DL/MM0NDX they will activate
     Usedom Island (GIA O-013, WLOTA 1640).

EU-132; SP1; Szczecin/Koszalin Province group: As SP/F4BKV and
     SP/MM0NDX they are QRV from Wolin (SPIA SZ-002, WLOTA 1420). 

EU-042; DL; Schleswig-Holstein State North West group: As DL/F4BKV
     and DL/MM0NDX they will be QRV from Sylt (GIA N-016, WFF
     DLFF-013, WLOTA 2057).

EU-125; OZ; Jylland West group: As OZ/F4BKV and OZ/MM0NDX they will 
     show up from Romo (DIA NS-001).

EU-172; OZ; Jylland East and Fyn group: As OZ/F4BKV and OZ/MM0NDX
     they will be on the air from Fyn (DIA FY-001, WLOTA 2690).

EU-171; OZ; Jylland North group: As OZ/F4BKV and OZ/MM0NDX they are QRV
     from Jegindo (DIA NJ-006).

     They plan to be active on 40, 20, 17 and 15m in SSB.
     Bureau QSLs via Homecall. Direct QSLs for all calls via F4BKV.
     A OQRS will be available. 

NA-016; ZF; Cayman Islands: Pete/K8PGJ will visit Grand Cayman Islands
     (WLOTA 1042) from January 12 - 20 and operate as ZF2PG in holiday
     style on 20 - 10m, mainly in SSB.
     On January 19 he will take part in the NAQP SSB on 40/20m.
     QSL via K8PGJ (d/B/L).

NA-048; C6; Bimini Islands: From January 11 to 14, Rick/K6VVA
     once again visits the Bahamas and will be on the air as
     C6AVA from Bimini Island in CW. A participation in the NAQP CW
     is planned. QSL via N6AWD (d/B).

NA-109; J8; ST. Vincent: Al/W6HGF will be J6/W6HGF from January 9 to 24
     from St. Vincent (WLOTA 0492; WW Loc. FK93jd). His operation will
     focus on RTTY. QSL via W6HGF (d/B/L). OQRS / ClubLog.

OC-004; VK9; Lord Howe Island: From January 11 to 18, the following OPs
     will be QRV from Lord Howe Island (WFF VKFF-295, WW Loc. QF98):
     Tatsuo JA3ARJ/VK9L (QSL via JA3ARJ), Takeo JA3BZO/VK9L (QSL via
     JA3BZO), Shozo JA3HJI/VK9L (QSL via JA3HJI), Kunio AE6XY/VK9L (QSL
     via JA1CJA), Masumi W7AVO/VK9L (QSL via JA3AVO, direct only) and
     Hiroko W7PBL/VK9L (QSL via JH3PBL, direct only). The team will be
     on 80 - 6m in CW, SSB and RTTY. Also see their QRZ.com entries.

OC-005; VK9; Norfolk Island: Lee/VK3GK will be on Norfolk Island as
     VK3GK/9 from January 11 - 15. He's visiting the island for a trip
     to celebrate his 21st wedding anniversary and plans to operate on
     80 - 10m in SSB and a little CW in holiday style. QSL via VK3GK (d/B).

OC-009; T8; Palau Islands: From Koror Island Mike/JA6EGL, Yas/JA6UBY and
     Yu/JE6DND will be operating as T88SM, T88CP and T88HK respectively.
     Their activity from January 9 - 14 will cover 80 - 10m in SSB and CW.
     QSL only direct via homecalls.

SA-003; PY0F; Fernando de Noronha Archipelago: Leo/PP1CZ is on vacation
     on Fernando de Noronha Island (DIB OC-01, WFF PYFF-016, WLOTA 1208)
     from January 15 - 21. In his free time he plans to be QRV signing
     PY0F/PP1CZ with a focus on 160 and 80m in CW. Depending on the
     conditions, he'll also work in CW, RTTY and SSB on other HF bands.
     QSL via PP1CZ (d/B/L). 

SA-020; FY; French Guiana group: During his stay in Guyana Christian/F5UII
     (who uses the equipment of FY5KE from January 13 - 30) plans a
     side trip to Salut Islands (WLOTA 0911). On January 19 and 20 he will
     be QRV with 100W and a GPA-030 as FY/F5UII. QSL via F5UII (d/B).

General Information

AN-010; div.; South Shetland Islands: Oleg/RI1ANF reports that during his
     6 month activity from the Russian Arctic station Bellingshausen (WAP
     RUS-01) he put 38,000 QSOs in his log, and another 1,300 from Priroda
     Refuge (WAP RUS-15). These are all-time records for arctic activations.
     He also set a new record in the CQWW DX CW contest with: 3106 QSOs
     and approx. 4 million points.

     As of January 2013 the German Mountain Activity Group (GMA) starts
     the "GMA Triathlon", a challenging award programme. Besides activities
     of the GMA, also outdoor activities of WFF and IOTA count towards this
     award. http://www.cqGMA.eu

WFF Activities
     The DLFF award manager Friedrich, DL4BBH informs that all DLFF awards
     are now available free of charge in PDF format. The paper awards are
     still available as usual for a fee of 7 EUR. http://www.wff-dl.de/

QSL information
3Z5MT             via    SP5PRF, eQSL         
3Z0WOSP           via    SP5ZRW       (B) 
4T4RDP            via    OA4O         (B) 
9A22MINE          via    9A1MB        (d) 
9H1EU             via    9H1BT        (d)
9X0PY             via    SM6CPY       (B)          
AE6XY/VK9L        via    JA1CJA       (B), (/L)
C6AVA             via    N6AWD        (B)
CT7/CU3AA/p       via    CU3AA        (B), (L), eQSL
CT9/MJ0ASP        via    MJ0ASP,      (L)
DB100AWPB         via    DO6NIK       (OQRS),(L) eQSL
DL/F4BKV          via    F4BKV        (B)
DL/MM0NDX         via    MM0NDX       (B), F4BKV (d)
DR90VOX           via    DG8MH        (B)
DU7TET            via    WT3A         (d)
E79D              via    E77E         (B) 
EI13CLAN          via    EI6AL        (B)
EM7WFF            via    UT1KY        (B)          
ER3WFF            via    ER3GS        (B) 
FY/F5UII          via    F5UII        (B)
FY/F6CKD          via    F6CKD        (B), eQSL
G100RSGB          via    M0VFC        (B) 
GB4FE             via    M1EDF        (B)
HF0A              via    SP9YI        (B)
HF0WOSP           via    SP2KFL       (B)
HG7T              via    HA7TM        (B)
II3CV             via    IK3HHX       (B)
J8/W6HGF          via    W6HGF        (B), (/L)
JA3ARJ/VK9L       via    JA3ARJ       (B)
JA3BZO/VK9L       via    JA3BZO       (B)
JA3HJI/VK9L       via    JA3HJI       (B)
JT1CO                                 (d)
LX8RTTY           via    LX1DA        (d)
LZ1771SDG         via    LZ1KCP       (B)
LZ60RCP           via    LZ1JZ        (B)
MW/UT5UDX         via    RA4LW        (d) 
N4D               via    WP4CRG       (d) 
OE2013A           via    OE8SKQ       (B)
OE2013B           via    OE2RWL       (B)
OE2013C           via    OE4RGC       (B) 
OE2013CFC         via    OE3CFC       (B), eQSL
OE2013D           via    OE1ZKC       (B)
OE2013DRM         via    OE5DRM       (B)
OE2013E           via    OE4VIE       (B), (L)
OE2013F           via    OE7SPI       (B)
OE2013GTU         via    OE1GTU       (B), eQSL
OE2013HTL         via    OE5HTL       (B)
OE2013J           via    OE5DFL       (B)
OE2013K           via    OE1DIA       (d), eQSL
OE2013LRO         via    OE2LRO       (B)
OE2013LRO         via    OE2LRO       (B)
OE2013LWV         via    OE9LWV       (B)
OE2013M                               (B)
OE2013MMF         via    OE6MMF       (B), (L), eQSL
OE2013MOS         via    OE8MOS       (B), eQSL
OE2013N           via    OE5NNN       (B)
OE2013PEN         via    OE5PEN       (B)
OE2013R           via    OE9XRV       (B)
OE2013RAD         via    OE6RAD       (B), (L), eQSL
OE2013S           via    OE2GEN       (B)
OE2013SPW         via    OE8SPW       
OE2013U           via    OE3GCU       (B)
OE2013VSW                             (B)
OE2013W           via    OE1W         
OE2013WLE         via    OE6WLE       (B)
OE2013XFS         via    OE3PFS       (B)
OE2013XRG         via    OE6CBG       (B)
OE2013Y           via    OE2IGP       
OK8DCC            via    DL3DCC       (B), (L), eQSL
ON100TT           via    ON4EKO       (B)
OO2T              via    ON5SWA       (B), (L) 
OZ/MM0NDX         via    MM0NDX       (B), F4BKV (d)
PF35OLM           via    PE1OLM       (B), (L)
PY0F/PP1CZ        via    PP1CZ        (B), (L)
R400DR            via    RN3DG        (B)
R60SKV            via    RA1QD        (B)
RA70WR            via    RM4A         (B) 
S5300TP           via    S59DAP       (B)
S79QT             via    DC8QT        
SG0U              via    SM3CXS       (B)
SK25VJ            via    SK3VJ        (B)
SN0KDD            via    SP3POW       (B) 
SP/F4BKV          via    F4BKV        (B)
SP/MM0NDX         via    MM0NDX       (B), F4BKV (d)
SV2ASP/A                              (d)    
T88CP             via    JA6UBY       (d)
T88HK             via    JE6DND       (d)
T88SM             via    JA6EGL       (d)
TK4LS             via    EB7DX        (d), (L), eQSL 
TP2CE             via    F5LGF        (B)
TT8/US3EZ         via    US3EZ        (B) 
UN7TK             via    EA7FTR       (L), eQSL 
UT/F5RAV          via    F5RAV        (d) 
VI6AHR30          via    VK6IR        (B, auch OQRS) 
VP9/WW3S          via    WW3S         (L), (d) 
VK3GK/9           via    VK3GK        (B)
W1AW/KP4          via    W1AW         (B) 
W2V               via    N2MUN        (B), (L), eQSL
W7AVO/VK9L        via    JA3AVO       (d)
W7PBL/VK9L        via    JH3PBL       (d)
XW1A              via    E21EIC       (B)
XV4DDD            via    JA2VWG       (d)
XV4LU             via    JA7LU        (d)
YB0MWM            via    IK2DUW       (L), eQSL
YE1NZ             via    W7NZ         (B), (L) 
YS3CW             via    I2JIN        (B), (L)
YU15OTC           via    YU6A         
Z320G             via    Z35G         (d)
Z6/9A6AA          via    9A6AA        
ZF2PG             via    K8PGJ        (B), (L)

(d) = direct only       (B) = bureau OK
(*) = new Manager       (L) = LoTW

* QSL received direct: 7Z7AB (OQRS), PJ2/K2PLF, TG9IDX
* QSL received via bureau: 5X1NH (G3RWF), SU/DL1ELX, S21YZ (JH1AJT)

Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to:

Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, ICPO Bulletin, OPDX-Bulletin, DE0BAH,
F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, IZ3EBA, NG3K, OE2IKN, OE7AJT, u.a.

Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB

Notícia expirada, seu conteúdo possui somente valor histórico

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