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11/01/2013 - ** DX ** | 425 DX Bulletin 1132 - 10/01/2013 - Por PY2KP | ** DX **

Notícia expirada, seu conteúdo possui somente valor histórico




9M4_spr- John 9M6XRO, Steve 9M6DXX, James 9V1YC, Ben DJ0YI/N6MUF, Don  G3BJ,
         Christian EA3NT and Tony KM0O will  be  operating  as  9M4SLL  from
         Pulau Layang Layang,  Spratly  Islands  (AS-051)  on  10-18  March.
         Activity will be on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY, using  "several
         stations with linear amplifiers to vertical antennas all  within  a
         few metres of the ocean". QSL via M0URX (please use  his  OQRS  for
         both direct and bureau cards at http://m0urx.com/).  Logs  will  be
         uploaded to  LoTW  as  soon  as  possible  after  the  end  of  the
         operation. [TNX 9M6DXX]
9M6    - Before joining the  9M4SLL  team,  Ben  DJ0YI  will  be  active  as
         9M6/N6MUF from Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia on 1-8 March  (QSL  via
         DJ0YI, direct or bureau, and LoTW). [TNX DJ0YI]
C6     - W4BUW (C6AGH), W8GEX (C6DX) W8CAA and AA4NN  will  be  active  from
         Great Exuma (NA-001), Bahamas on 20-27 January. They  plan  to  run
         three stations on 160-10 metres SSB, CW  and  RTTY.  QSL  via  home
FR     - Pierre, F8APV and Stephane, F8EOI will be active  as  FR/F8APV  and
         FR/F8EOI  from  Reunion  Island  (AF-016)  from  21  January  to  8
         February. They will be QRV on "40 metres and up", with a  ficus  on
         30m CW and 20m SSB. [TNX DX World]
J7     - "The Daily DX" Editor, Bernie McClenny (W3UR) and his  father  Tony
         (N3ME) will be active from Dominica (NA-101) in late  January-early
         February. Bernie will operate as J77A (22 January-1  February)  and
         Tony will operate as J76A (22 January-11 February);  both  will  be
         QRV in their spare time on 160-6  metres  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY.  The
         special prefixes are in  celebration  of  the  beginning  of  their
         Amateur Radio careers (1977 and 1976 respectively).  QSL  via  home
         calls, direct or bureau, and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ will be  back  to  Minami  Torishima  (OC-073)  on  15
         January and will remain there until mid-April. He plans to  be  QRV
         in his spare time as JG8NQJ/JD1 mainly on 10, 12, 15 and 17  metres
         CW. QSL via JA8CJY (direct) or JG8NQJ (bureau).
UA_ant - Nick, RW6ACM will be active as as  RI1ANP  from  Russian  Antarctic
         station Progress from 1 February until the end  of  year.  QSL  via
         RN1ON, direct or bureau. [TNX RN1ON]
YS     - Roberto, I2JIN will be active  again  as  YS3CW  from  Corinth,  El
         Salvador on 11-31 January. He  will  operate  mainly  CW  on  80-10
         metres. QSL via I2JIN, direct or bureau, and LoTW. [TNX DX Coffee]

AFRICAN TOUR ---> Once again Peter, HA3AUI will  be  active  as  6W2SC  from
Senegal and  J5UAP  from  Guinea-Bissau between approximately 17 January and
10 March.  He plans to operate  CW on 40-10 metres.  Side trips to either 6W
and J5 IOTA island groups are being considered. QSL via HA3AUI, direct only.

IOTA TOUR ---> Col, MM0NDX has had to cancel his participation in the  10-13
January IOTA Tour [425DXN 1131] due to a  family  matter.  Vincent, F4BKV is
doing the  trip solo,  with planned  activity from  nine IOTA island  groups
(EU-029, EU-128, EU-057,  EU-129, EU-132, EU-042, EU-125, EU-172 and EU-171)
in Denmark, Germany and Poland. Follow his progress on Twitter (@IOTA_Trip).
QSL via F4BKV (OQRS on www.f4bkv.net). [TNX MM0NDX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The December  2012  issue  is  now  available  for
download at www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. [TNX IZ3EBA]

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The  CQ  DX  Marathon  is  a  year-long  DX  hunt,  with
participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of  countries
("entities") and CQ  zones  during  the  calendar  year.  The  2013  edition
started at 00.00 UTC on 1 January and will end at 23.59 UTC on 31  December.
Complete  rules   and    submission    information    can    be    found  at
www.dxmarathon.com - and do not forget to submit  your  2012  scores  by  31
January 2013 (next year's deadline will be 10 January  2014).  High  claimed
scores will be published in February and the complete results  of  the  2012
Marathon will be in the June 2013 issue of CQ Magazine. [TNX K9EL]

CONTEST UNIVERSITY ---> Early bird registration is now open for 2013  Dayton
Contest University (CTU) will be held on 16  May  at  the  Crowne  Plaza  in
Dayton, Ohio. It will be the seventh for CTU Dayton. Topics, professors  and
registration form can be found on http://contestuniversity.com

DX SOUND CLIPS ---> Tom's (K8CX) DX sound clips for 2012  can  be  found  at
http://hamgallery.com/dx2012/; the collection of 135 clips covers the  major
DXpeditions, plus rare and semi-rare DX. This makes 15 full years  of  sound
clips available. There are also some recordings on the site from  the  1960s
and 1970s. "I am looking for on-the-air  recordings  in  any  format  to  be
added to the site", Tom says. Please contact him (k8cx[@]hamgallery.com)  if
you have any. [TNX K8CX]

DXCC NEWS ---> 3D2C (Conway Reef 2012) has been approved  for  DXCC  credit.
If you had cards previously rejected for  this  operation,  please  send  an
e-mail to bmoore[@]arrl.org to be put on the list for an update. [TNX NC1L]

MOST WANTED SURVEY ---> The DX Magazine's  annual  Most  Wanted  Survey  was
conducted in September-October 2012 [425DXN 1114]. The top 20 DXCC  Entities
1.  P5     North Korea                11. PY0S   St. Peter & Paul Rocks
2.  KP1    Navassa Island             12. KH5K   Kingman Reef
3.  3Y     Bouvet Island              13. ZL9    Auckland & Campbell Isls
4.  FT5Z   Amsterdam & St. Paul Isls  14. KH5    Palmyra & Jarvis Isls
5.  VK0    Heard Island               15. SV/A   Mount Athos
6.  FT5W   Crozet Isls                16. E3     Eritrea
7.  BS7H   Scarborough Reef           17. BV9P   Pratas
8.  VP8    South Sandwich Isls        18. FT5J/E Juan de Nova, Europa Isls
9.  ZS8    Marion Island              19. VP8    South Georgia
10. FT5T   Tromelin Island            20. KH3    Johnston
The 100 Most Wanted listing,  with  the  results  of  the  2011  survey  for
comparison, can be  found  at  http://www.dxpub.net/MOST-WANTED-SURVEY.html.
The complete breakdown by continent is  published  in  the  January/February
2013 issue of "The DX Magazine"; a breakdown by mode and for  160/80  metres
will be published in the March/April 2013 issue.

POSTAL RATES (CANADA) ---> Canadian postal  rates  will  rise  again  on  14
January. The new base  prices for  standard  letter  items  up to 30g are as
Canada         CAD 0.63
U.S.A.         CAD 1.10
International  CAD 1.85
Stamps are subject to taxes that can vary from Province to Province.  Actual
rates can be calculated through the "Find a Rate" on-line  service  provided
by Canada Post (www.canadapost.ca).

+ SILENT KEY + John Dack, W7KH (ex W7GUV) passed away on  7  January  at  91
years of age. First licensed in 1938, he  sat  at  the  top  of  DXCC  Mixed
standings, with 398 entities (340 current and 58 deleted).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A2MG       F9JS        ER3WFF      ER3GS       RW17AK      R3COM
3V8BB       LX1NO       ER4DX       RA4LW       RZ1CWC      RW6HS
3Z0WOSP     SP5ZRW      FM1II       NI5DX       S505SLG     S59DCD
3Z1K        SP1KRF      FM4LV       W3HNK       S5300TP     S59DAP
3Z5W        SP5KP       FM5CD       F5VU        SG0U        SM3CXS
4A2I        XE2I        FM5FJ       KU9C        SK25VJ      SK3VJ
4L1HD       DL8KAC      FM5WD       W3HNK       SN0KDD      SP3POW
4L5O        N3SL        HB30OK      HB9OCR      T88CP       JA6UBY
4O7CC       UA4CC       HF0WOSP     SP2KFL      T88SM       JA6EGL
4S7KKG      DC0KK       HG7T        HA7TM       TJ3AY       F5LGE
4T4RDP      OA4O        HL2ZBD/3    JK3IJQ      TP2CE       F5LGF
5W0W        NR6M        HS0ZDY      SM3CVM      UE75VV      RW0UM
5X1JM       EA5GL       HS0ZED      G4SQA       UN7TK       EA7FTR
6W7SK       F6BLP       HZ1DG/p     EA7FTR      UN8FE       IK2QPR
9H1EU       9H1BT       HZ1XB       IZ8CLM      V26BM       M0URX
9K2UU       EA5ZD       IR7WAP      IK7XNF      V31ME       DJ4EL
A45KK       EA7FTR      J28AA    E77E or K2PF   V31YN       DJ4KW
A61AS       YO3FRI      J28NC       F5RQQ       V55A        M0OXO
A62A        IZ8CLM      J28UC       F5RQQ       VI6AHR30    VK6IR
A65BD       G5LP        JD1BMH      JG7PSJ      VP2EYE      K3PIN
A71CM       NI5DX       JY9ET       M0OXO       VP2MSW      M0URX
A71EM       EA7FTR      K1GI/VP9    JG2BRI      VP9HE       W2AF
BM0LF       BM2JCC      LA190B      LA1B        W2V         N2MUN
BV2013LF    BM2JCC      LU1ZG       LU4DXU      WP2NN       NN6NN
C6AVA       N6AWD       LU6W        VE3LYC      XW1A        E21EIC
CE2AWW      VE7WY       LX4A        LX1NO       XW4XR       E21EIC
CE3EEA      EA5GL       LZ20TRC     LZ1YE       YB0MWM      IK2DUW
CM5FZ       M0OXO       LZ60RCP     LZ1JZ       YN9SU       TI4SU
CN2JF       F6CTF       NP4Z        N4AO        YP10KQT     YO2KQT
CN2OS       PD0JOS      OE1KIDS     OE1XIC      YU15OTC     YU6A
CW90A       CX2ABC      OH0R        OH2PM       Z320C       Z32CC
D2ZR        AC7DX       OU1RAEM     DF5LW       Z320E       Z35T
DB100AWPB   DO6NIK      P49X        W0YK        Z320G       Z35G
DP0GVN      DL5EBE      PR2X        PY2ADR      Z320L       Z34M
DU7TET      WT3A        PT5T        K3IRV       Z320R       Z35F
E79D        E77E        R400DR      RN3DG       Z320Y       Z37Y
EA9EU       EA5KB       R70SGG      RM4A        Z81Z        K4ZW
EI13CLAN    EI6AL       RA70WR      RM4A        ZF2LC       W2SM
EK6LP       RN4LP       RN1CW       RW6HS       ZV2K        PY2SHF

AC7DX    Ron G. Lago, 1345 City View, Eugene OR 97402, USA
EA7FTR   Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque (Huelva),
K4ZW     Kenneth J. Claerbout, 199 Joshua Rd., Stafford VA 22556, USA
M0OXO    Charles Wilmott, 60 Church  Hill, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4NG,
         United Kingdom
N6AWD    Fred Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield CA 93309, USA
VE3LYC   Cezar Trifu, 410 College St., Kingston, Ontario K7L 4M7, Canada
W3HNK    Joseph L. Arcure, 115 Buck Run Road, Lincoln University PA 19352,
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Notícia expirada, seu conteúdo possui somente valor histórico

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